July 2017 archives

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Monday, July 31, 2017

Redistricting: State needs non-partisan group to draw common sense boundaries

North Carolina lawmakers will soon convene in Raleigh to begin trying to redraw voting district maps that will receive approval by the federal courts. We fervently hope that they will be able come up with boundary lines that meet federal...

Sunday, July 30, 2017

No quitting: Congress should not give up its effort to repeal Obamacare

It would seem on the surface that any effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the masterwork of the Obama administration, is dead. Last week, a measure that at least would have kept the issue on the table for debate,...

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Poor Jeff: Attorney general deserves better treatment from president

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has drawn the wrath of President Donald Trump, who has criticized his own appointee without mercy for several weeks now. We feel for Sessions, who is only doing his job and has repeatedly proven himself loyal...

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Democrat message: Party on the downside looking for a comeback

Comedian Will Rogers once famously quipped that "I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat." Today that joke is more true than at any time in recent memory. With Republicans in control of the White House and both...

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Spicer: It was time for someone else to step into the job

What can we say about Sean Spicer? The guy had the worst job in the world -- press spokesman for a volatile president who hates the media and who is constantly bombarded from all angles by tough questions from the...

Saturday, July 22, 2017

National Night Out is a chance to break down barriers

To a lot of people, law enforcement officers are to be feared. They are the Big Brother of our society that curtails our freedoms. That, of course, is not true. They are the ones who protect our freedoms. The...

Thursday, July 20, 2017

O.J.: Former football star granted parole after nearly nine years

Whether or not people believe former football star O.J. Simpson deserved to be granted parole after more than eight years behind bars depended largely on whether they think he is actually guilty of the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown-Simpson,...

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Disappointing: GOP failure to repeal Obamacare comes as major setback to party

The Republican failure to find a way to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act comes as a disappointment to many. Including us. The fact that the GOP cannot come together to get enough votes to change the onerous law...

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

City honored: Goldsboro again recognized for its thriving downtown

The city of Goldsboro has once again been honored for its work downtown. The National Main Street Program has selected Goldsboro as one of 39 cities and towns in the state to achieve its accreditation status this year. We are...

Monday, July 17, 2017

Protecting SJAFB: Money for buffers around state military installations badly needed

One of the most important, if not the most important, jobs of our local and state elected officials is protecting Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. That is why we are perplexed at the news that money to match federal funds...

Sunday, July 16, 2017

New leader: Col. Scovill Currin is the new commander of the 916th

The 916th Air Refueling Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base has a new commander. Col. Scovill Currin accepted the reins Friday morning from Col. Eric Jenkins during a change of command ceremony at the base. We can expect good...

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Less is better: Turning over voters' personal info to federal panel isn't a good idea

The federal commission on election integrity is having trouble getting many states to come across with the voter information it is seeking. President Donald Trump came up with the idea for the commission as a way to determine whether there...

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

New tankers: Seymour Johnson is preferred site for new Pegasus aircraft

The word that Seymour Johnson Air Force Base will likely receive a squadron of the Air Force's new KC-46A Pegasus tanker aircraft comes as mighty good news for Goldsboro and Wayne County. It's not a done deal yet -- other...

Monday, July 10, 2017

Overkill: News coverage is too focused on covering Trump all the time

To watch the news on television one would think that all that is happening in the world is related in one way or another to President Donald Trump and his family and staff. Aren't there still people dying around the...

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Drones: They might be the new wave but we don't have to like them

We read a headline recently that we found both amusing and disturbing. An inmate in a South Carolina prison escaped using tools flown over the fence by a drone. The inmate was later captured. But the fact that he was...

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Good report: Hiring is up and a good sign of continued economic recovery

In a good sign for the United States economy, employers last month hired more people than they have in four months. Companies don't hire unless they are doing well and are setting higher expectations for themselves, so the numbers bode...

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Butt out: Trump should let Russian leader know how U.S. feels about elections

President Donald Trump will be meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin today, and the two men certainly have plenty to talk about. But one thing Trump needs to clearly convey to Putin is that the United States will not tolerate...

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Sweat equity: Despite technology, world still depends upon manual labor

We live in a world seemingly dominated by the latest advancements in technology. We are surrounded by it. It is all we hear about nowadays. But it is still a world in which manual labor plays a significant role, even...

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Uncalled for: Incident of student shaming by authorities unacceptable

We have learned of an incident at a local public middle school in which several students who did not have the correct clothes for graduation were not allowed to participate but had to sit in a corner while their classmates...

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Grow up: The president's tweets are unbecoming of his office

President Donald Trump on Sunday tweeted a mock video that shows him beating up on a man in a business suit -- his face obscured by the CNN logo -- outside a wrestling ring. It's not clear who produced the...