07/05/17 — Sweat equity: Despite technology, world still depends upon manual labor

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Sweat equity: Despite technology, world still depends upon manual labor

We live in a world seemingly dominated by the latest advancements in technology. We are surrounded by it. It is all we hear about nowadays.

But it is still a world in which manual labor plays a significant role, even in an advanced society like ours in America. And woe to anyone who thinks otherwise. They might find themselves in a position where technology fails and they have to revert to time-honored, back-breaking work.

We were reminded of this fact just recently, when we stepped outside to get in our technologically advanced automobile only to find one of the tires was flat. There might be technology involved in many things. But fixing a flat tire is not one of them. There have been advancements, even in mechanical labor, to be sure. But at some point it comes down to a guy with a jack and a lug wrench and a lot of elbow grease.

And although it might sound crazy, we find that comforting. That technology has not taken over everything just yet. That there is still work that requires nothing more than a strong back and the will to see the job through.

Published in Editorials on July 5, 2017 9:17 PM