The funeral for Laterance M. Gooding will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at Eastern Chapel Church. The Rev. Robert Lane will officiate. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery.
Mr. Gooding was preceded in death by his father, Robert Gooding.
He is survived by a daughter, Laterinfaye Gooding; a son, Tae'von Braswell; his mother, Mary F. Sherman; one brother, Michael A. Gooding; and two sisters, Tierr Sherman and Angie Gooding.
The viewing will be held Saturday from 1 until 6 p.m. at McIntyre Funeral Home Ministries.
Condolences may be faxed to 919-731-4338 or e-mailed to
Published in Obituaries on August 27, 2004 1:33 PM