SNOW HILL -- The funeral for Delaun "Mannie" Wade, 16, will be held Sunday at noon at Greene Central High School. Dr. Edna Hall and the Rev. David Nicholas will officiate. Burial will be in the Artis Cemetery.
He died Monday at his home at 251 Hedgefield Road in Farmville.
Surviving are his parents, Robrien and Mary Wade, a brother, Raymond Wade, and two sisters, Shameika Harris and Stephanie Wade, all of the home; his paternal grandmother, Beatrice Wade of Washington, D.C.; maternal grandparents, Delores Dorsey of Snow Hill and Lawrence Dorsey Sr. of Washington, D.C.
The viewing hours will be from 10 a.m. until noon on Sunday at Greene Central High School.
The family will be at the home of Earl and Annie Bell, 115 Sugg Drive, Snow Hill.
Hamilton Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.
Condolences may sent to the Wade family via e-mail at or faxed to 919-735-4725.
Published in Obituaries on February 6, 2004 2:09 PM