Maps change representation
By Melinda Harrell
Published in News on August 20, 2017 1:45 AM

The new proposed map does not include Wayne County in District 4 and expands Districts 21 and 10 within the county.
Republicans in the N.C. House released the new proposed districts map Saturday with Wayne County having different borders and losing a representative.
Wayne County is included in District 21 and 10, but the county has been completely removed from District 4.
The shift is dramatic concerning local representation, and for Rep. Jimmy Dixon, who represents District 4.
Under the current district lines, Dixon represents much of Duplin County and Wayne County, but under the proposal, District 4 will no longer include Wayne County and rather encompass all of Duplin County.
Rep. Dixon did not returned phone calls for comment by press time.
More of Wayne County is also included in District 21, which is represented by Democrat Rep. Larry Bell.
District 21 has also been completely removed from Duplin County and allotted more of Sampson County under the new proposal.
Bell has opted to not seek another term.
Rep. John Bell, R-Dist. 10, will represent more of Wayne County and all of Greene County, but will no longer be representing any of Craven County in the proposed map.
Bell currently represents large swaths of Wayne County, portions of Greene County and much of Craven County.
"I lost half of the district I currently serve," Bell said.
"I have enjoyed representing those folks and working with those people in the county. I am the only House member that represents all of Greene County, compared to years past they have had two. I also have more of Wayne County."
Bell will also have new territory to represent under the proposed map in Johnston County.
There will public hearings held on the district maps Tuesday at various locations across the state, including the legislative complex in Raleigh, Beaufort, Charlotte, Fayetteville, Jamestown, Weldon and Hudson.
John Bell said he will be chairing the hearing in Weldon from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. and encourages the public to come out and share their thoughts on the new proposed maps.
"We are very interested in getting the public's input," he said.
"We have made great strides in getting public comment."
The redrawing of the maps were a federal court's decision after it found that the districts relied to heavily on race in the drawing of the current districts.
The panel also called for new maps to be ready by Sept. 1.
In the drawing of the proposed maps, both the House and Senate agreed not to factor in racial data but they did consider past election results.
A federal three-judge panel will review the new maps, but they are not subject to Gov. Roy Cooper's veto.