Memorial Day essay contest
By From staff reports
Published in News on May 30, 2017 6:57 AM

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Pictured are all the winners from the Meadow Lane Elementary School Memorial Day essay/illustration contest. Pictured, front row from left, Kyndal Benavidez, first grade, second place; Brylee Booker, kindergarten, third place; Collin Bair, multiage, second place; Adrian Mayes, kindergarten, first place; David Clark, multiage, first place. Second row from left, Ahmir Jones, fourth grade, second place; Athena Wireman, third grade, second place; Gracelyn Bembnowski, first grade, first place; Antwan Allen, second grade, second place; Jaylen Jones, third grade, first place; Delanie Cullen, fourth grade, first place. Third row from left, Wendy Hooks, principal at Meadow Lane Elementary; Marlie Stewart, second grade, first place; Saniyah Smith Williams, third grade, third place; Addison Bond, fourth grade, third place. Fourth row from left, Col. Shannon Cooper, representative from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base; Tate Young, representative from Daniels Memorial United Methodist Church; the Rev. Colby Leonard, pastor of Daniels Memorial United Methodist Church Not Pictured are Allison Charriez, kindergarten, second place; Brianna Austin, first grade, third place; Kyleigh Cowan, second grade, third place; Arielle Rivers, multiage, third place.

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Picture are the first place winners, front row from left, Gracelyn Bembnowski, first grade; David Clark, multiage; Adrian Mayes, kindergarten; second row from left, Jaylen Jones, third grade; Marlie Stewart, second grade; Delanie Cullen, fourth grade; third row from left, Col. Shannon Cooper, representative from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base; Wendy Hooks, principal at Meadow Lane Elementary School; Rev. Colby Leonard, pastor of Daniels Memorial United Methodist Church
Meadow Lane Elementary School students took part in a Memorial Day essay/illustration contest, sponsored by one of the school's business partners, Daniels Memorial United Methodist Church.
Students from kindergarten through fourth grade were encouraged to participate in the contest.
As an incentive, each child received a copy of the book "Don't Know Much About the American Presidents" and a hamburger and hot dog celebration at the church, where awards were handed out. First-place winners were presented with a $20 gift card.
The winners from K-4 and multiage classes include the following:
Kindergarten: Adrian Mayes, first place; Allison Charriez, second; and Brylee Booker, third place.
First grade: Gracelyn Bembnowski, first place; Kyndal Benavidez, second; and Brianna Austin, third.
Second grade: Marlie Stewart, first place; Antwan Allen, second; and Kyleigh Cowan, third.
Third grade: Jaylen Jones, first place; Athena Wireman, second; and Saniyah Smith Williams, third.
Fourth grade: Delanie Cullen, first place; Ahmir Jones, second; and Addison Bond, third.
Multiage: David Clark, first place; Collin Bair, second; and Arielle Rivers, third.