Green Thumb Florist on Chestnut Street
By Rochelle Moore
Published in News on May 30, 2017 6:57 AM

Elva Graham, owner of the Green Thumb Florist, is now operating the full-service flower shop in downtown Goldsboro.
A full-service florist is now serving the Goldsboro-area community from a new downtown location.
Green Thumb Florist, which opened in January on North Berkeley Boulevard, recently moved downtown to 101 W. Chestnut St.
The flower shop originally opened 13 years ago in Faison, but its customer base has continued to increase in the Goldsboro market. Prior to relocating, employees were traveling twice a day to make deliveries in the city.
"My business was drifting this way," said owner Elva Graham. "It made better sense to move to a larger area where I had room to grow.
"We hated to lose some of our customers from Faison, but sometimes you have to do what's practical for the business."
Green Thumb Florist is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon and can be reached at 988-8474.
The full-service flower shop offers fresh-cut flowers, plants and small gift items. Service is also offered for birthdays, anniversaries, funerals, weddings and events, large or small, Graham said.
Flower purchases are primarily made by order, and a display case could eventually be added for walk-in customers. Walk-in customers can easily purchase flowers that are made within minutes, as long as products are in the store, she said.
"It takes us five to 10 minutes to make a bouquet," she said.
The move from North Berkeley Boulevard to downtown was planned when the business first moved to Goldsboro.
"We love the tight-knit, small-town feel of the downtown area," Graham said.