Winners from Junior Livestock Show are honored
By Steve Herring
Published in News on May 24, 2017 9:57 AM

Students who were honored at the Junior Livestock Show and Sale banquet Tuesday include, from left: Jordan Lindsay, Gideon Linton, Taylor Glover, Payton Williams and Destiny Mitchell.
Winners from April's Junior Livestock Show and Sale were honored and additional awards presented at a Tuesday night banquet held at the Wayne Center.
Nearly 100 people attended the annual event that is a follow-up to the two-day show and sale held the week after Easter and sponsored by the Wayne County Livestock Development Association.
"They have to get their animals at least 75 days before the show and sale is going to go on," Wayne Extension Agent Stefani Garbacik said. "They have to care for them, feed and water them and actually learn how to actually show them. They also have to attend at least two workshops that I offer to learn more about the project, the species and the industry. They have to do those educational aspects, too."
Participants range in age from 5 to 18, or 4-H ages as of Jan. 1 of the year of the show, she said.
The youths show cattle (heifers and steers), meat goats and hogs.
Ms. Garbacik presented several award during the banquet including three extra-effort awards, one for each species of animal shown.
The elected exhibitors have shown an extra effort in their livestock project and have exceeded educational requirements prior to the show and sale, she said.
"They have exhibited good sportsmanship during the show, and above all else, have spent time at home working with their animals and taking care of them long before the day of the show," Ms. Garbacik said.
Each recipient received a plaque and had $100 added to their sale check.
The winners were Taylor Glover, cattle; Destiny Mitchell, market hogs; and Jordan Lindsay, meat goats.
Outstanding Achievement Awards, sponsored by the Wayne County Chamber of Commerce, were presented to one outstanding individual in each age category.
These individuals all possess outstanding leadership, commitment and/or sportsmanship qualities, Ms. Garbacik said.
"They may have helped other exhibitors prepare for the show, by locating and/or caring for their animals," she said. "They may have spent extra time learning about their project by attending many of the pre-show clinics that were offered, or participating in other activities, helping prepare for the sale, coming early or staying late to set up or clean up from events."
Each recipient received a plaque and $100 award added to their sale check.
The winners were Kayden Newcomb, novice; Payton Williams, junior; and Cody Nassef, senior.
Record books/poster winners were Taylor Glover, senior; and Gideon Linton, junior.
The Livestock Show and Sale winners by category were:
* Senior meat goats: First place Alan Johnson, first place and second place Jacob Hinson.
* Junior meat goats: Gideon Linton, first place, and Isaac Linton, second place.
* Novice winners: Kayden Newcomb, Kayley Craig and Charley Fuller.
* Grand champion meat goat: Jacob Hinson.
* Reserve champion meat goat: Alan Johnson.
* Senior cattle: Taylor Glover, first place, and Caleb Heath, second place.
* Junior cattle: Zachary Craig.
* Grand champion heifer: Taylor Glover.
* Reserve champion heifer: Caleb Heath.
* Senior hogs: Taylor Glover, first place, and Alan Johnson, second place.
* Junior hogs: Gideon Linton, first pace, and Isaac Linton, second place.
* Novice: R.E. Lee McCullen.
* Grand champion hog: Taylor Glover.
* Reserve champion hog: Isaac Linton.