Police investigate armed robbery on Lionel Street
By News-Argus Staff
Published in News on October 6, 2017 10:19 AM

Goldsboro police are investigating after a man was robbed at gunpoint on Lionel Street Thursday afternoon, according to a police incident report.
According to the report, a man was walking on the 100 block of Lionel Street just after noon Thursday, when he heard a vehicle approach him from behind. When the vehicle drove up next to him, the driver rolled the window down, pointed a handgun at him and yelled "Give it up, man."
The victim responded "I don't have anything to give you," prompting the suspect to exit the vehicle and walk toward the victim. The suspect then took the victim's smartphone, valued at $100, and left moving north on Lionel Street, according to the report.
Police Major Anthony Carmon said that the police department has a suspect in the case, but that suspect has not been charged with anything yet.