'Verses and Vittles': Smart things
By Ruby Hicks
Published in News on August 31, 2016 1:46 PM

Ruby Hicks
"Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is." -- Ephesians 5:17
I call myself stupid, crazy and my favorite one, dummy, all the time. Now I know I am not any of those things because my children tell me that I am not. I just do some foolish things. I really don't know why, but I do.
Let me tell you about some really smart things that I have done in the past.
Back in the winter I went to Belk's and bought a blanket, and I bought the wrong size, so I had to carry it back. The same day that I carried the blanket back, I carried a pair of pants back that were too small, and I took them to the wrong store. While I was at the right store I discovered my checkbook was missing. I had left it lying there in Belk's. Thankfully I got it back.
One night not long ago I lost my teeth (dentures), and I looked my house over from one end to the other, then it dawned on me that they were still in my mouth.
One time I went to Walmart; I only had two bags of stuff, so I decided to carry them out by hand. I dragged that stuff all over that parking lot looking for my car and could not find it anywhere. Then I remembered I didn't drive the burgundy car that I was looking for and that I had driven the white car, and there it was right in front of me.
I think the smartest thing I ever did was a long time back. We were having a family reunion at my parents' house; that was when my parents, aunts and uncles were still living. I got up that morning, washed my hair and rolled it up. When it got dry, I took it down, brushed and combed it. I thought it looked pretty good, so I picked up the hairspray can sitting on Mama's dresser, and I sprayed my hair good. All the time I am thinking this hairspray doesn't smell right; it smells like fly spray. Sure enough, it was fly spray, so I had to wash my hair and go to the reunion with wet stringy hair.
Now that I look back on all of this stuff, I can see God was with me every time. He helped me find my teeth, He helped me find my car before I gave out dragging those bags around, and He sent a member of my church family to look after my checkbook -- thanks, Gaye. I hate to think what would have happened had she not been there.
God is with us in all that we do. All we have to do is pay attention, and we will see Him there.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for being with us in all that we do. Thank you for looking out for us, and thank you for your love. Amen.
Thought for the day: Think about it, when was the last time you did something really smart?
Prayer focus: People who do foolish things
Recipe: Homemade vegetable soup
1 small cabbage, chopped
4-5 Irish potatoes peeled and cut up small pieces
1 pt. corn
1 pt. butter beans
2 to 3 cups carrots, cutup
2 qt. jars canned tomatoes
1 or 1 1/2 qt. water
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp. sugar
Ham hock meat
Cook ham hock meat in plenty of water; when tender, add all other ingredients. Add more tomatoes and water, if needed. Cook on medium heat until vegetables are done.