Suspect arrested on drug charges
By John Joyce
Published in News on February 11, 2014 1:46 PM

Rueben Knowles Armstrong
A Goldsboro man free on bond awaiting trial on charges of selling and delivering cocaine is back in the Wayne County Jail, this time on charges of manufacturing marijuana.
Rueben Knowles Armstrong, 49, 602 W. Mulberry St., also charged with maintaining a dwelling for manufacturing marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia, is being held in the Wayne County Jail under a $25,000 secured bond, according to the Goldsboro Police Department.
He was arrested by the Goldsboro/Wayne County Drug Squad.
Deputies from the Wayne County Sheriff's Office SWAT team assisted officers from the Goldsboro Police Department's Selective Enforcement Unit, Housing Unit and Warrants Unit in arresting Armstrong at his home Friday.
Officers seized nine marijuana plants, digital scales and packaging material.