Missed Direction: Pending murder cases
By John Joyce and Kenneth Fine
Published in News on August 31, 2013 10:46 PM

Graphic by Casey Mozingo.
Of the 100 murder cases the District Attorney's Office has taken on since Assistant DA Matthew Delbridge began leading homicide prosecutions, there are 29 still pending from 21 events (some of the cases involve multiple suspects).
Not all of them are gang-related or have ties to that sort of activity, but all share the violence that can come from wrong paths, drugs, poor choices and a moment of anger that can never be taken back.
Those cases include:
* Junior Guerra, shot, Aug. 13, 2007 -- Suspect Obelin Mejia remains at large.
* Martha Cook Carter, beaten, July 23, 2008 -- Suspect Herman Best is in custody.
* Bhavanaben and Suryakant Patel, shot, Dec. 13, 2009 -- Suspect James Howard is in custody
* Charles Morgan II, shot, April 17, 2010 -- Suspects Henry Jones and Montrel O'Neal are in custody.
* Kamari Bryant, infant, Oct. 25, 2010 -- Suspect Keefe McPhail is in custody.
* Edward Pounds, prison altercation, Nov. 17, 2009 -- Suspect Chardan Whitehead is in custody.
* Princess King, shot, Feb. 27, 2011 -- Suspect Derrick Best is in custody.
* Cquashanda Mitchell, shot, July 13, 2011 -- Suspect Rico Mitchell is in custody.
* Jean Hubbard, strangulation, July 29, 2011 -- Suspects Gary and Ann Metzger are in custody.
* Laquan Pearsall, shot, Sept. 17, 2011 -- Suspect Antonio Seaberry is in custody.
* Delindao Miller, shot, May 30, 2012 -- Suspects Qua'town King and Latrea McKinnon are in custody.
* Kevin Terrell Bell, shot, June 14, 2012 -- Suspects Javonta Ellis and Stephon Jennings are in custody.
* Jaylin Pemberton, infant, May 31, 2012 -- Suspect Brendan Pemberton is in custody.
* Vanico Perkins, stabbed, July 28, 2012 -- Suspect Anthony Lewis is in custody.
* Donald Mewborn and Gary Buckom, shot, Sept. 7, 2012 -- Suspect Angelo Burden is in custody.
* Kennedy McLaurin Jr., shot, Sept. 9, 2012 -- Suspects Jerome Butts, Curtis Etheredge, Leonard Joyner and Kevin Smith are in custody.
* Jairus Saunders, shot, Sept. 30, 2012 -- Suspect Quinton Swinson is in custody.
* Anthony Kornegay and Nakiea Garner, shot, Dec. 12, 2012 -- Suspects Jujuan Cox and Kevin Raiford are in custody.
* Anthony Holloman, shot, Dec. 20, 2012 -- Suspect Jamel Edwards is in custody.
* Richard Thomas, shot, April 20, 2013 -- Suspect Benjamin Thomas is in custody.
* Tyree Simmons, shot, July 6, 2013 -- Suspect Stevie Simmons is in custody.