04/17/13 — Artwork from four WCC students to be displayed in Raleigh

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Artwork from four WCC students to be displayed in Raleigh

By From staff reports
Published in News on April 17, 2013 1:46 PM

Artwork from four Wayne Community College students has been chosen for the 16th N.C. Community Colleges Art Exhibition in Raleigh.

Forty-four of the 58 community colleges in the state are represented in the exhibition of 139 creative works by students, faculty and staff. The pieces include a wide variety of media ranging from paintings and sculpture, to functional pieces such as lamps and jewelry.

The pieces and their creators from WCC include "Blues Harp," a mixed media mosaic by Jonathan D. Glisson, an associate of arts/college transfer major; "A Rose of Another Color," a welded steel sculpture by Robert E. "Trey" Mooring III, a welding major; "Dependent on Distorted Memories," an acrylic painting by Ana K. Pantoja, an associate in arts/college transfer major; and "The Succubus Sisters," a digital 3-D art rendering by Andrew Sanders, a multiple major in networking, computer information systems, and simulation and game development.

"It is fantastic to have such a variety of artistic media and academic programs represented," said Tara Humphries, WCC public information officer, who coordinates the college's participation in the annual event. "Again I am impressed with the caliber of the talent of this college's students. They make it hard to choose just four pieces for the exhibition."

The art will be exhibited through January 2015 on all six floors of the Caswell Building, which houses the community colleges' system office, at 200 W. Jones Street in downtown Raleigh. The show is running twice as long as usual as the N.C. Community College System celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Public tours of the displayed art are available on a limited basis and may be scheduled by calling 919-807-7100. A virtual tour is posted at www.nccommunitycol leges.edu/pr/ArtExhibit.