Lizard Lick crew heads to Mount Olive
By Kelly Corbett
Published in News on May 13, 2012 1:50 AM

Amy Shirley, left, co-star of the hit reality television show "Lizard Lick Towing," autographs the cast of Chelsea Corey during an appearance at Lee Inc. in Mount Olive early Saturday afternoon. Behind her are Bobby Brantley, left, and Ron Shirley.
Hundreds of "Lizard Lick Towing" fans lined up outside Lee Inc. in Mount Olive on Saturday to meet the personalities of the show.
One fan, Ralph Pipkin of Wilson, said he could even relate to the main crew members -- Ronnie and Amy Shirley and Bobby Brantley.
"I've been shot at ... almost blown up," Pipkin said.
The 39-year-old repo man said the show is actually not that far from reality, and that it's a dangerous job.
"What you see is really what people will do," Pipkin said.
Pipkin traveled around the state for a couple of years working as a repo man, going wherever the lien holder told him to go. He even went out at 1 and 2 a.m. sometimes to retrieve cars.
Pipkin met Ronnie and Amy before at the Dixie Deer Classic in Raleigh and their shop in Lizard Lick, but was hoping to meet Bobby this time around.
Pipkin now works another risky job as a construction worker laying pipes.
"I live dangerously," he said. "What can I say?"
Other fans, who could not personally identify with the job duties, said they watched the show for the drama.
Karen Jones, 18, was in line with her sister, who had met the crew about a month earlier.
"I like Ronnie and Bobby's drama and the situations they get into," she said.
Ms. Jones said from one show to the next, viewers can expect to see anything from shots fired and explosions to bulls and moonshine.
"I'm ready to see their new season," she said.
Nearly 500 people stood in line at 1 p.m. with five hours left to meet the crew.
The crew members said they were thankful for all of the fans who came out.
"The fans are what make us who we are," Amy said. "All we can say is pickles and peanuts."
Michael McDonald, co-owner of Lee Inc., said the company struck a deal with the Lizard Lick crew after they used a cargo trailer to haul memorabilia and they became business acquaintances.
"We're doing it as customer appreciation day and as a thank-you to the community," he said.
McDonald said they expected about 2,000 people to show up over the course of the day.
Lizard Lick Towing was originally featured on "All Worked Up" before branching off on its own show. The new season begins at 10 p.m. June 11 on truTV.