Volunteers shave their noggins to help fight childhood cancer
By Gary Popp
Published in News on April 22, 2012 1:50 AM

From left, Holly Lee, Vanessa Rivenbark and Nichole English shave the heads of Alex Grice, Cody Slater and Colin Davis. See more photos in the photo galleries.
Some shaved their heads.
Some shaved their mustaches.
One even shaved his eyebrows.
But they all made a sacrifice to help St. Baldrick's Foundation in the fight against childhood cancer.
Firefighters, first responders, airmen and others from around Wayne County gathered at The Flying Shamrock Irish Pub on John Street Saturday evening in an effort to raise money for the charitable organization.
Each participant took a turn at one of the three bar stools under a large tent in the parking lot adjacent to the pub as hair stylists from area salons, who volunteered to give the buzz cuts, made quick work with their shears.
The event, now in its third year, is spearheaded by Goldsboro firefighter Chad Cobb and his wife Wayne County paramedic Rosalie Cobb.
Mrs. Cobb said the event continues to attract attention with each passing year.
"It is a great feeling to see it grow and grow and grow," she said. "It just heartwarming."
Mrs. Cobb said people are extra motivated to show support for a cause with a focus on helping children.
"Childhood cancer is on the rise, and nobody wants to see a sick child," she said.
With the help of countless willing participants, the Cobbs have generated a total of approximately $60,000 for St. Baldrick's in three years.
For months leading up to the event the fearless participants raise money from friends and family to sponsor their promises to go under the clippers for a slick new do.
Additional money is raised the day of the event as Cobb, who acts as emcee, urges spectators, like an over zealous auctioneer, to make last minute donations before participants leave the makeshift barber chairs.
About a dozen teams, primarily formed by firefighters from Wayne County volunteer stations, were at the event, including two teams of airmen from Johnson Air Force Base.
Captain of Team Silver Hawks, Tech Sgt. Will Adams, raised more than $2,000 for the event.
"It is all about the kids," Adams said. "Anything to help out kids we support."
Adams said his team of five members has participated every year since the Cobbs brought the event to Goldsboro.
Adams said he and his team members are always ready to support firefighters, especially during an event that unites fire departments from around Wayne County.
While members of the military are expected to keep a close cut, Adams said pushing the limits of Air Force standards is worth it when you can help an organization like St. Baldrick's.
"We consider it one of our duties as a member of the military to be active in the community," he said. "And an event like this is great opportunity to do so."