Salvation Army plans purse fundraiser
By Becky Barclay
Published in News on April 16, 2012 1:46 PM

Lt. Julie Igleheart holds a pair of shoes and necklaces that will be on sale for a Salvation Army fundraiser.
Ladies, get your walking shoes on and your charge cards ready for the Salvation Army's jewelry, purse, shoe and bake sale Saturday.
The sale will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Salvation Army building at 610 N. William St. in the fellowship hall.
It is sponsored by the Salvation Army women's auxiliary.
"We are asking people to donate jewelry, purses and shoes," said Lt. Julie Igleheart with the Salvation Army. "How many of you ladies have jewelry, purses and shoes that you don't use any more? Now you can donate them to a wonderful cause.
"You can come in that day and buy you a gently used purse or gently used pair of shoes," she said. "You can buy some baked goods, too. We'll also have coffee, orange juice and milk. Our ladies auxiliary members are tremendous bakers."
This is a new kind of fundraiser the Salvation Army is trying this year.
"As every woman knows, you have to have more than one purse and more than one pair of shoes," Mrs. Igleheart said. "I did this concept back at our first appointment with just 20 auxiliary members and we made almost $1,000. My auxiliary here has 68 ladies in it. So I'm sure we can double that amount."
Proceeds will be used for helping people stay in their homes, rent assistance, food, electricity and more.
"We have food go out the door every day," Mrs. Igleheart said. "And our food pantry gets low. But God always provides."
The jewelry, purse, shoe and bake sale is not just for women, though. It can be a family event, Mrs. Igleheart said. Men can shop for their sweethearts, wives and mothers, and the whole family, including the children, can enjoy some sweet treats, she said.