70 jets mark World War II achievement
By From staff reports
Published in News on April 16, 2012 1:46 PM

4th Fighter Wing Commander Col. Patrick Doherty prepares his F-15E Strike Eagle for takeoff. The wing launched 70 jets this morning to commemorate those 4th Fighter Group aviators who made history during World War II.
Nearly 70 years after members of the 4th Fighter Group destroyed more than 100 German aircraft in a day, the aviators charged with carrying on their legacy set out on a mission to commemorate what transpired April 16, 1945.
4th Fighter Wing Commander Col. Patrick Doherty characterized this morning's launch of 70 F-15E Strike Eagles as both humbling and historic.
"It's never been done before," Doherty said. "It'll probably never be done again.""
For complete coverage of the launch, see our photo gallery this afternoon at www.NewsArgus.com and Tuesday's print edition.