January 3, 2012 archives

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Public record

Man charged for stalking 60-year-old woman Don Hudson, 47, of 1502 Scotty Drive, was arrested at his home by Goldsboro police on Saturday afternoon and placed under a $5,000 bond. He was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, stalking...

Hospital acquires orthopedic practice

The new year marks an official name change for one Goldsboro medical practice, as Goldsboro Orthopaedic Associates becomes Goldsboro Orthopedics and part of Wayne Health Corporation, the parent holding company of Wayne Memorial Hospital. The five-physician practice specializes in...

Officers wrap up holiday patrols

The Goldsboro Police Department reported a total of 1,097 traffic and criminal violations during its recent Booze It and Lose it Campaign -- including one woman who didn't even realize she had been in an accident. As the department's...

Search restarts for farm agent

The search for a new agricultural agent to work with farmers in Wayne County's $120 million annual field crop business has been extended, officials said, meaning it could at least March before the position is filled. The job became...

Waiting for her chance

With less than two weeks until the Miss America Pageant, Miss North Carolina Hailey Best is counting her good luck charms and hoping history repeats itself. "This year is the only Miss America (from North Carolina's) 50th anniversary," she said....