For Christmas, wife just wanted a manger
By Phyllis Moore
Published in News on December 21, 2011 1:46 PM

Allison Carter
This Nativity scene is the centerpiece in Agnes Rogers' front yard near the fairgrounds. Her husband, Roy, built the stable for her and designed the star. He also added pipes and nailed down the lights so they wouldn't blow over.
For years, all Agnes Rogers has wanted for Christmas was a way to display her outdoor Nativity scene.
"I just asked for a manger. That was all I wanted in my yard," she said.
But you know how husbands are, she said. And her husband, Roy, works full time at AP Parts and simply didn't have the time to comply with her request.
Until this year.
"He built the stable and Star of Bethlehem," she said, proudly.
It took him a couple of weeks, she said, but Rogers managed to carve out some time around his work schedule to complete the task.
"He painted it, put the finishing touches on the top," Mrs. Rogers said. And, except for the camel, all her other figurines fit neatly inside the creation that now is on display in their front yard on Butler Road near the fairgrounds.
It's symbolic, she explained, and represents what this season is all about.
"The meaning of Christmas for me is the birth of Jesus," she said. "I don't have that much in the yard. We only just have that one thing."
She says she appreciates her husband's effort, and praised his craftsmanship on the project.
"He's so proud of it," she said. "He did a really good job.
"I have been telling him I wanted it for years. This year, he just got right out there and started doing it."