01/10/10 — WCC Arts and Humanities announces performance lineup

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WCC Arts and Humanities announces performance lineup

By Phyllis Moore
Published in News on January 10, 2010 1:50 AM

Historical wars will be one of the themes of this spring's lectures and trips sponsored through the arts and humanities program at Wayne Community College.

Bill Brettmann, director of the program, has released the upcoming lineup of events, which include a mini-course, film series, lectures and trips.

For the first time, one of the trips will have a prerequisite of taking a four-week class.

Brettmann will teach the course on each Monday evening during February at 7 p.m. in Room 101 of the Walnut Building. Cost is $20 per person or $35 per couple.

Entitled "Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1765-1783," there is an accompanying book to purchase and a special "graduation bonus" for class members, Brettmann said.

The overnight trip to Yorktown, Va., in late February will include a visit to the celebrated Yorktown Victory Museum, which covers the entire history of the Revolution, as well as the Yorktown Battlefield.

The trip will require overnight accommodations. Cost will be $75 per person, plus meals and lodging.

On the four Monday evenings in March, Brettmann plans to show an acclaimed film series by Simon Schama, "The American Future: A History." The class will meet from 7 to 8:15 p.m. in Walnut 101, with a question-and-answer period included. Cost is $20 per person, $35 per couple.

The Vietnam War will be the centerpiece for a free public lecture planned mid-March, with a special invitation extended to military personnel, said Jack Kannan, director of the WCC Foundation.

"We want to tie this in with the base because I think there's a lot of people saying, 'Is Afghanistan our Vietnam?'" he said. "We want to be supportive of our military -- this will be informative, not sensationalized -- and we want to reach out to base families."

Dr. Michael Hunt, professor emeritus of history at UNC-Chapel Hill, will lecture on "The Vietnam War: What Have We Learned for today's Wars?" on Tuesday, March 12, at 7 p.m. in Moffatt Auditorium.

Hunt grew up in a military family, spending part of his youth in Japan, Turkey and Vietnam. His next book, "A Vietnam War Reader," is scheduled to be published in February.

A popular trip to Fred-ericksburg and Chancellors-ville will again be offered, led by Civil War tour guides Randy and Jewel Sauls, on April 9-11. Cost will be $75 per person plus meals and lodging.

Other events are still being planned, to be added in the upcoming weeks, Brettmann said, including a tour of the Sarah P. Duke gardens in Durham and other lectures.

To register for any of the programs, with the exception of the public lecture, call 739-7017 and leave a name, phone number and name of the event.

Updates will be sent out electronically. To be added to the arts and humanities mailing list, send e-mail address to awnorthington@waynecc.edu.