City fee list
By Matthew Whittle
Published in News on June 3, 2008 1:47 PM
Newly increased residential inspection fees are:
*5 cents per square foot for electrical inspections on new buildings and additions
*5 cents per square foot for electrical and plumbing inspections for accessory buildings, porches, decks, detached garages and carports
*$150 for single wide mobile home setup
*$200 for double wide mobile home setup
*$100 for inspection of a swimming pool
*8 cents per square foot (with a $75 minimum) for house moving
*8 cents per square foot (with a $75 minimum) for moving building
*$100 house demolition after asbestos free report is received
*$75 for first denial of
re-inspection and $125 for each thereafter
*$60 for business inspections of any building which is a change of use or has been vacant six months or longer
Newly increased commercial inspection fees:
*$200 for commercial construction site prepwork
*6 cents per square foot for additions of and new large commercial structures 75,001 square feet and up
*4 cents per square foot for electrical in additions of and new large commercial structures 10,001 square feet and up
*$60 each for electrical, plumbing and fire inspection for commercial modular
*$125 each for hot roof and rubber roofing
*$60 each for shingle and metal roofing
*$50 for plan review and consulting fees for fire alarm systems for a structure less than 1,000 square feet and $75 for a structure 1,001 square feet or more
*$500 for second time and each thereafter illegal burning
*$60 for fireworks for public display
*$60 for exhibit and trade shows
*$60 for explosives
*$60 for fumigation and insecticidal fogging
*$60 each for temporary tents and canopies
*$60 for replacement of a missing card for occupancy load
The council also approved fees for fire inspections:
*$60 for assembly up to 999 occupants
*$75 for assembly up to 1,000+ occupants
*$60 for explosives and fireworks
*$60 for high piled combustibles
*$60 for fire inspection for Alcoholic Beverage Control license
*$60 automatic fire extinguishing system
*$60 combustible dust producing facilities
*$60 covered mall building
*$60 fire pumps and related equipment
*$60 flammable and combustible liquid tanks
*$60 flammable or combustible tanks
*$60 industrial ovens
*$60 private hydrants
*$60 spraying and dipping
*$60 stand pipe system
*$50 fire inspections due to minor violations
*$50 non-life safety violations if any found
*$250 1st offense imminent life hazard (blocked/locked exit doors)
*$500 2nd offense imminent life hazard with same issue within six-month period