Goldsboro police to curb loud noises with citations
By Jack Stephens
Published in News on March 2, 2006 2:24 PM
Noisemakers, beware. Goldsboro police are looking for you.
Chief Tim Bell said his department will enforce a city ordinance and crack down on those whose loud noises disturb others. He said he receives complaints about loud music and other noises on a regular basis.
"We're trying to crack down and solve the problem," Bell said.
The ordinance bars loud noises that disturb, injure or endanger the comfort, health, peace or safety of citizens.
Portable stereos or "boom boxes" in cars are the biggest problem, Maj. M.D. Hopper said.
"Residents hear a car coming down the street, then hear it pass their home until it goes away," Hopper said.
Other complaints come from parked vehicles at convenience stores, he said.
Specific listed prohibited noises include any loud radio, tape player, boom box, phonograph or any siren or vehicle horn, except as a danger signal.
Nine people were cited in 2005 with violations of the city noise ordinance. Already this year, Hopper said 12 people have been charged, including four in the last week.
Hopper said he has heard boom boxes in cars and thought it was a thunderstorm coming.
The major said police officers have warned people about loud noises for more than a year. Now, he said, violators will get citations. If convicted, they will be charged $110 in court costs.
"Our officers know that it's a problem, and we're adopting a zero tolerance for it," Bell said.
Limited exceptions that the ordinance allows are outdoor athletic events, concerts, band practices or fairs, permitted fireworks during a holiday celebration or parades or lawful picketing.
Wayne County has had a similar ordinance for several years.