12/24/16 — Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas

Christmas has rolled around again, seemingly before we knew it. It seems as if just yesterday we were dealing with the flooding from Hurricane Matthew and then Thanksgiving was upon us.

Where did the time go? How did Christmas get here so quickly?

Too often we get caught up in the season's rush and find ourselves so busy with holiday plans that we fail to take in the real meaning and joy of Christmas.

Don't let that happen to you. Pause today and look around at all the blessings you enjoy. Take time to be with family and friends and try not to cram too much into one day. For Christmas is not a single day, but a season and an attitude that we should carry with us not only today but in the days ahead.

It has been a year of divisiveness in our country, but this is the time of year to put all that behind us and enjoy the simple things that make life worthwhile.

We hope you have a festive holiday, and can find the time to share that happiness with others. Merry Christmas from all The News-Argus family.

Published in Editorials on December 24, 2016 12:55 PM