04/01/16 — Poetic turn: Wayne County Reads selection emphasizes poetry in our language

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Poetic turn: Wayne County Reads selection emphasizes poetry in our language

Mention poetry and most people's eyes glaze over.

That would be a mistake this coming month as the annual Wayne County Reads campaign kicks into gear.

This year's selection is a compilation of poems, "Poetry 180: A Turning Back to Poetry," a twist from previous choices. Over the years, Wayne County Reads has provided an eclectic mix of works for reading and discovery, from novels to non-fiction. This year, organizers decided to try a poetic bent, and will use the anthology the showcase the work of many good contemporary poets.

You probably don't think about it, but

poetry plays a big role in our everyday lives. Almost all music we hear is based on a mix of rhythm and poetry. We listen to it all the time without thinking about it.

Liz Meador's Sunday column lately has had some fun with the language and what it can do when poetry is emphasized.

Why don't you come to one of the Wayne Reads events and actually listen to some

of the speakers and hear the poetry live?

You might not find it as boring as you might think.

Published in Editorials on April 1, 2016 7:46 AM