11/07/15 — Courage: Memories of heroes should be guarded, honored and shared

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Courage: Memories of heroes should be guarded, honored and shared

This is the beginning of a very special week in Wayne County.

This Wednesday, the community will gather along the streets of downtown Goldsboro to honor the men and women who have served their nation in the nation's armed services.

There will be a parade, a speech or two and some really nice observations of Veterans Day.

And we hope that many members of this community will get out and share their admiration and gratitude for those who have given so much.

There are generations of veterans in this community, with representation in all of the branches of the military.

Many of them have wounds that still have not healed and memories that they cannot possibly explain to someone who was not there on that battlefield.

And as a community, we have to understand that -- and to be respectful of that brotherhood.

But there is a way that we can say "thank you" to all of them -- and to let them know that we will never, ever forget the sacrifices they made and the courage they have shown.

We can make sure that we share their stories.

This year on Veterans Day, like every other year, the schools will not be in session. But throughout the district, teachers and administrators are planning all sorts of tributes, learning experiences and other ways to honor this special day.

We can carry on that education in our homes.

Flying the flag on Veterans Day is a start, but taking the children to the parade, and sharing some information about what they see there, is a way to make sure they understand that this is a day to remember heroes, not just a day off.

And to cap off the day, why not spend a little time at the Wayne County Veterans Memorial.

Remembering -- that is the best way to say thank you to the men and women who have served this great nation.

And it is the least we can do, not just Wednesday, but every day.

Published in Editorials on November 7, 2015 11:27 PM