06/16/15 — It was a lie. Spokane NAACP chief can spin all she wants. She is wrong.

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It was a lie. Spokane NAACP chief can spin all she wants. She is wrong.

It doesn't matter what former Spokane NAACP chief Rachel Dolezal says to any interviewer over the next few days.

It doesn't matter that she "thinks like she is black." But it does matter that the man she told people was her father was not her actual dad.

It doesn't matter that she says her race is "complicated."

It doesn't even matter that people assumed she was black. It matters that she did not correct them.

It doesn't matter that she worked with the NAACP for years, nor does it matter that she "understands the plight of black Americans."

She is white, and she is a liar.

And if she had not been outed as one -- a liar, that is -- she would still be pretending today.

In fact, Ms. Dolezal says she would not do anything differently if she had it to do all over again.

You cannot pronounce yourself black. You cannot decide that you are "culturally" black. You cannot alter your appearance and pretend that you are black when you aren't.

It is wrong and she is wrong -- and she knows it.

It might seem harsh, but to say otherwise is an insult to the generations of black Americans who faced true discrimination and a battle for civil rights.

It is an insult to the leaders who have called for people of all races to join hands as equals and to fight for a common purpose.

And it is a terrible message to send to any young person -- white or black.

Ms. Dolezal's resignation is what needed to happen -- and it did not happen soon enough.

Contrary to what some have claimed, she did not raise any issue that needed to be discussed -- unless it is about integrity.

Published in Editorials on June 16, 2015 10:49 AM