04/02/15 — Act of division: Incident at Duke University does not speak for all

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Act of division: Incident at Duke University does not speak for all

There is only one term for the person or persons who put up the noose on Duke University's campus yesterday.


And it is time for everyone to sit back, to take stock and to realize that archaic, moronic statements like the one that sent the university's campus reeling Wednesday are not reflective of the real world -- not by a long shot.

Let's hope this was not some dumb prank designed to throw the university's basketball team off-kilter as it heads to Final Four play. That would make the whole sad episode even worse.

And let's hope it was not someone merely trying to make a point and to cause a stir.

The bottom line is simple -- there is no room in any university, any school, any government or any community for behavior that attacks any race, creed or ethnic group.

It is wrong to slander anyone -- white, black, Hispanic or Asian. It is wrong to paint a whole group with one brush, and it is wrong to insult anyone's religious beliefs.

And the actions that have been reported around the country lately are, frankly, astounding and should be dealt with strongly.

It is not funny. It is not just "boys will be boys." And, to make an even finer point, to say you were under the influence of alcohol is absolutely no excuse.

This type of behavior, as well as the attacks and disrespect against women and those who believe differently than you, is simply unacceptable.

But we have to be careful, too, to remember that these are the isolated actions of a few morons.

Otherwise, we won't erase racial divides -- we will create them.

And that is exactly what that vile symbol at Duke meant to accomplish.

Published in Editorials on April 2, 2015 10:46 AM