04/22/14 — With progress: Infrastructure as important as fancy new digs

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With progress: Infrastructure as important as fancy new digs

The moves that are being made concerning Wayne Memorial Drive and its traffic issues might not make everybody happy.

And just to be fair, almost no decision a government makes about streets and traffic ever does make everybody happy.

But, in this case, those decisions, however unpopular they might be, are necessary. As the area grows busier and the concerns about left turns and drivers trying to navigate the area safely multiply, the travel routes become as important as the new developments themselves.

As the city continues its determination to move into the next stages of development, it is absolutely not enough just to make changes that will bring more residential and commercial investment in the community.

Leaders must consider the logistics and infrastructure, as well as maintenance and other costs associated with those new developments before making planning decisions.

Quality of life is not just about prettier parks or a new gathering place. It is about being able to get around without falling into a pothole. It is about being able to avoid traffic snarls and to be able to get from A to B in a timely manner.

So while the fancy stuff is great, let's make sure the supporting infrastructure is ready to support these improvements as well.

One simply is no good without the other.

Published in Editorials on April 22, 2014 10:49 AM