10/09/13 — On film: Kardashians' story sad comment on effects of 'fame'

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On film: Kardashians' story sad comment on effects of 'fame'

They aren't really famous for anything -- other than a seemingly continuous number of controversies, sad stories and gossipy celebrity connections.

Oh, and of course, their reality shows.

The Kardashians are a wonder -- and a sad commentary on what passes for entertainment these days and the sordid world of fame in Hollywood.

It is amazing that in spite of what really is just a bunch of hype, these people still are prominent on the entertainment news, just as if they were real glitterati.

And now, they can add another feather to their pseudo-fame hats -- messed up personal lives.

They are likely no different than many couples who try to slog their way through marriage, although some of their problems seem to be a little more exaggerated than most couples' marital challenges.

But in the end, they are a study of what a laser focus on fame can do to a family and how blind it can make those caught in its grip.

The Kardashians are a brand now -- even if they have little to brand. But they certainly are not role models for how to live your life -- or for how to direct your children's lives.

They are, instead, a warning of what can happen when real life is displaced by reality television and the false promises it makes about fame, fortune and talent.

And the sad thing is, they are not alone. While many might like to watch the debacles on Bravo TV's "Housewives" sagas or some of the other reality franchises like "The Bachelor," they are still sad commentaries on what happens when reality television meets wanna be celebrities. Damage is done to families, to lives, to futures.

We created the Kardashians and others like them. And it is sad to say that for many this fake fame will likely end in sadness.

Perhaps it is time to turn the channel, before anyone else gets hurt.

Published in Editorials on October 9, 2013 1:30 PM