10/08/13 — Answers: It's time to hear truth about DHHS systems

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Answers: It's time to hear truth about DHHS systems

We probably don't need to tell you this, but just in case, here it goes.

The problems with the Medicaid billing system -- as well as the delays in simple things like signing someone up for food stamps -- have nothing to do with extra scrutiny to make sure the funds are being spent wisely.

This is just another bureaucratic debacle that has cost you big bucks.

If you remember, NC FAST, which was contracted under the previous governor's administration, was designed to make signing up for benefits a one-stop shop. NCTracks was touted as a way to streamline the paperwork necessary to get the state's business done in the Department of Health and Services.

What both programs have really accomplished is chaos. Food stamp sign-ups are months behind, leaving many people without the benefits they need. And health care providers are still waiting for hundreds of thousands of dollars in claims.

The state even received a bill for an astronomical amount of overtime from the person who designed the system -- time logged to fix the mess that had been made.

And, of course, it is still not fixed.

Oh, and in case you missed the irony, it is just this sort of government bureaucratic machine that is going to be taking care of your health care at the federal level.

Can't wait.

It is time for the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Aldona Wos, to explain to the legislature and the people of North Carolina what she plans to do about this mess.

She might not have created the problem, but she is now in charge of fixing it. And it is way past time to make a decision -- fix it or dump it.

What there isn't any more time for is pretending things are going just fine.

Published in Editorials on October 8, 2013 10:57 AM