
Amy Hsiao-Hung Chan and Brandon Ferrell Hardison exchanged vows in a double-ring ceremony Sept. 20, 2014, at 4 p.m. at Broad Street Christian Church in Martinsville, Va., with the Rev. Ferrell Hardison and the Rev. Willard Hardison officiating.
The bride is the daughter of San Lung and Catherine Li Chan of Eden, and the granddaughter to the late Gen.l and Mrs. Ru Ho Li.
She has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an MBA from UIC-Chicago.
She is employed as vice president of business development at London Fall Protection.
The groom is the son of Ferrell Edwards and Millie Daw Hardison of Goldsboro and the grandson of Willard and Shirley Hardison of Goldsboro and the late N.J. and Viola Hare Daw of Goldsboro.
He has a Bachelor of Science degree from Appalachian State University, a Fine Art degree from Johnston Community College and the University of North Carolina at at Asheville.
He is employed as an artist.
The bride was escorted by her father and given in marriage by her parents.
Bridesmaids were Lauran McClure, Hagan Pace, Christina St. Denis, Kristen Schonder and April Carter. Groomsmen were Justin Gartman, Jason Creech, Derek DeCarlo, Stephen Helms and Carter Combs.
Ivy and Kinley Pace were junior bridesmaids.
Stella McClure, Mikaela St. Denis and Cora and Caroline Carter were flower girls.
Beckett St. Denis was ringbearer.
Jaylyn Bergner directed the wedding.
Presiding at the register was Caroline Hardison.
Scott DeCarlo and Stephen Helms provided music.
During the reception at the Dutch Inn, the couple held a traditional Chinese tea ceremony honoring parents and elder relatives.
After a wedding trip to Iceland and Paris, the couple resides in Stoneville.
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Weddings on February 8, 2015 1:52 AM