
Nikki Gail Sandlin and Kevin Scott Corbett of Goldsboro exchanged vows in a double-ring ceremony April 29 at 4 p.m. at Waynesborough Park, with the Rev. Larry Hudson officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Jerry Lee and Debbie Merrill Sandlin of Goldsboro and the granddaughter of Delano and Avel Sandlin of Beulaville and J.M. and Margaret Merrill of Goldsboro.
She graduated from Faith Christian Academy in 2006 and Wayne Community College in 2010 with a degree in medical assisting.
The groom is the son of Luke Charles Corbett of Wendell and the late Peggy Gale Corbett of Zebulon, the stepson of Gloria Sessons Corbett and the grandson of Norma Corbett and the late Herbert Corbett of Wendell and Pauline Thompson and the late Irvin Thompson of Raleigh and the stepgrandson of the Rev. John and Olive Sessoms.
He graduated from Smithfield Selma High School in 2002.
The bride was escorted by her father and given in marriage by her parents.
Melonie Sandlin was her sister-in-law’s matron of honor.
Luke Corbett was his son’s best man.
Bailey Voeller, friend of bride, was flower girl.
A barbecue reception was held April 30 at the home of the bride’s parents.
After their wedding trip to Orlando, Fla., the couple will reside in Goldsboro.
Events held before the wedding included a bridal shower April 10 in Wendell hosted by the groom’s family; a lingerie shower April 22 hosted by Melonie Sandlin, sister-in-law of the bride; and a bridal shower April 23 in Goldsboro hosted by the bride’s family.
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Weddings on July 31, 2011 1:50 AM