April 26, 1923-Aug. 16, 2008
Homegoing services will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at Saint Delight United Holy Church in Parkstown. Burial will follow at Wayne Memorial Park.
Mable Hall Smith "Mother," the daughter of the late Odie and Emma Hall, was born April 26, 1923. She departed this life on Saturday at 11:20 a.m. at Wayne Memorial Hospital. She was the oldest child of 17 children. She was predeceased by one daughter, Daisy Johnson; and 11 siblings.
She received her formal education in Wayne County and furthered her studies in nursing services. She was a retired State of North Carolina Government emp-loyee at the O'Berry Center.
She accepted the Lord at an early age and became a member of Saint Delight in 1968 where she served in choir No. 2 and attended faithfully until her health failed.
Mother leaves to cherish her memories three daughters, Doris Grant of Las Vegas, Nevada, Prophetess Barbara Blount and her husband, Apostle Lennon Blount, of Goldsboro and Mary Moore and her husband, Jimmy, of Goldsboro; five brothers and sisters; seven grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.
A viewing will be held Friday from 4 until 7 p.m. at Howell Funeral Home and Crematory in Goldsboro. The family will be present from 6 until 7 p.m. and other times at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Prophetess Barbara and Apostle Lennon Blount, 100 North Cottonwood Drive in Goldsboro.
"I have fought a good fight:
I have finished my course.
I have kept the faith."
II Timothy 4:7
Online condolences may be posted at
Arrangements are being handled by Howell Funeral Home and Crematory.
Published in Obituaries on August 21, 2008 1:34 PM