Traditional introduction
By Melody Brown-Peyton
Published in News on March 7, 2018 5:50 AM

Goldsboro Interim Fire Chief James Farfour talks about the history of the "Push In" during Tuesday's ceremony for Tower 1 at Goldsboro Fire Department Station 1. He explained that the push in originated in the 19th century when engines were pulled by horses that could not back into fire stations.

Honorees from the Goldsboro Fire Department and city of Goldsboro participate in the "Push In" for Tower 1, the city's newest truck, Tuesday afternoon at Station 1.

Tower 1 leaves Goldsboro Fire Department Station 1 within 30 minutes of the "Push In" ceremony on Tuesday, responding to a fire alarm at Torero's.
Goldsboro firefighters and city officials celebrated the addition of a new firetruck during a traditional Push In ceremony Tuesday.
The ceremony, held at Goldsboro Fire Station One on Center Street, involved pushing the truck -- Tower 1 -- into the station, a tradition that dates back to the 18th century. Fire Chaplain John Howard also offered prayers and blessings for the new firetruck.
Push-in ceremonies date back to a time when firetrucks were pulled by horses. After arriving at a fire station, firefighters would then push the truck inside. The push-in took place because horses were unable to back the trucks into the fire station bays.
The station's newest addition was added following a Goldsboro City Council decision to purchase and equip the $1.3 million, 100-foot aerial platform truck.
The truck features the latest in technology and can hold 300 gallons of water. The 100-foot platform makes it easier for standing and increases safety for firefighters and people who are rescued during an emergency situation.
The last time the Goldsboro Fire Department purchased a firetruck was in 2015. The department employs 81 firefighters.
Interim Goldsboro Fire Chief James Farfour said the new truck has been in the works for some time, and he is excited about the new addition. The typical life span on a firetruck is 15 to 20 years, he said.
"The operation of this truck exceeds all of our requirements." Farfour said.
Assistant Fire Chief Eddie Sasser, who has been with the department 37 years, led the effort in securing the new truck.
City officials participating in the ceremony included City Manager Scott Stevens, Assistant City Manager Randy Guthrie and Finance Director Kaye Scott. Airmen from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base also took part in the ceremony.
Goldsboro Fire Department's mission is to protect lives, the environment and property by providing prompt and skillful fire protection. The city of Goldsboro has five fire stations located throughout the city.
After being pushed inside the station, it only took 30 minutes for Tower 1 to receive its first call to service.
In addition to horses, Dalmatians also have a historical connection to fire departments. The dog has been a fire dog since fire departments used horses.
Dalmatians were bred for endurance and stamina and are able to run for long periods of time, without rest. Dalmatians were trained to escort the horse-drawn engines to fire scenes and helped prevent stray dogs from interfering. The spotted Dalmatians were easy for the horses to distinguish from other dogs. Once at the fire scene, Dalmatians would continue to protect the horses from other animals.