Helping Hands 4 God's Children to hold toy drive
By News-Argus Staff
Published in News on December 8, 2017 2:00 PM

Helping Hands 4 God's Children will be holding a toy drive on Tuesday for children hospitalized during the holidays.
"My goal is to give all the baby dolls and trucks to our hospital," said Shiela Gibson, founder and CEO of Helping Hands.
She is collecting unwrapped toys as well as monetary donations, which will be delivered to the hospital, she said, as well as one local school.
"Brogden Primary School is also in need of help," she explained. "We have adopted 20 kids from BPS and are going to give them some gifts so they will have a few things for the holidays."
The next fundraiser will be on Tuesday, Dec. 12, at Chipotle on Berkeley Blvd. Items can be dropped off between 4 and 8 p.m., with proceeds of purchases made during that time also going to Helping Hands.
For more information, check out the group's Facebook page or email