Teen shot in Dudley
By Steve Herring
Published in News on September 2, 2017 9:20 PM

The Wayne County Sheriff's office responds to a call at 156 Turnage Lane where a 17-year-old male went after he was reportedly shot while riding his bike in the area Saturday afternoon.

Crime scene tape is put up around the house at 156 Turnage Lane to secure the area while a search warrant is being secured by the Wayne County Sheriff's Office following a shooting Saturday afternoon. A 17-year-old male said he was shot while riding his bike in the area and came to the house afterward.
DUDLEY -- A 17-year-old boy was wounded in the leg during a Saturday afternoon drive-by shooting.
The youth told Wayne County sheriff's deputies that he was riding his bicycle along Emmaus Church Road around 3:30 p.m. when a car pulled up next to him.
He said that someone in the car shot him.
Deputies cordoned off the front of a house at 156 Turnage Lane where a bicycle was leaning on the house.
Deputies also searched the house as several people gathered in the yard.
Sheriff's Major Richard Lewis said he could not comment on what prompted the search since the investigation is ongoing.
Lewis said he did not have a home address for the victim, who was taken to Wayne UNC Health Care. He was described as alert and talking when he left for the hospital.
"He basically comes up here every weekend to spend some time with his family," Lewis said. "He was riding his bicycle from Pleasant Acres. He was on Emmaus Church Road heading toward Turnage Lane."
The youth was shot in the area of his right knee, Lewis said.
"He is unable to give us a description of the car or of anybody who was in that car," Lewis said. "He is not able to give us any information that is going to provide a lead at this time."
The victim is not being cooperative, he said.
Lewis said he did not have any information on the kind of gun that was used, where the youth was shot or where he was found.
Deputies did find a blood trail, Lewis said.
"They are working with that to try to determine the exact location where it happened," he said.