Officers assaulted during arrest
By Ethan Smith
Published in News on March 24, 2017 3:14 PM

A woman assaulted two officers as they tried to arrest her Wednesday afternoon, according to a Goldsboro police report.
Stephanie Nicole Martin, 35, of 219 Randall Lane Apt. 2, is charged with two counts of assault on a government official, second-degree trespassing and resist, delay and obstruct.
The report said Martin assaulted officer Janelle Nottingham as she was taking Martin into custody around 2:20 p.m. Wednesday.
Martin was put in officer Michael Parks' patrol car, and then attempted to kick out the glass window of the car, the report said.
Parks then tried to restrain Martin, and she kicked and bit him, according to the report.
Martin was put in the Wayne County Jail under a $3,500 secured bond.
Nottingham and Parks bring the total number of law enforcement officials assaulted in Wayne County within the past two weeks to four.
On Monday, March 13, officer Cody Bostic -- who is on the same patrol shift of the Goldsboro Police Department as Nottingham and Parks -- was kicked in the knee and spat on while arresting a woman at Donel's Express Mart on East Elm Street.
In that incident, officers spotted a hit and run suspect parked in the convenience store's parking lot.
They approached the woman, identified as 19-year-old Treasure Dove, who admitted to being the person involved in the hit and run, and noticed there was a small child in the back seat, police said.
The mother of the child, identified as 20-year-old Janel Monet Ross, was called to the scene, and became irate when she got there, police said.
Ross had nothing to do with the hit and run, police said.
Officers were arresting her for being disorderly, and she tried to use her infant son as a shield against being arrested, according to police.
As they took Ross to the patrol car, she kicked Bostic in the knee and spit on the right side of his head and ear, according to a report on the incident.
Then, on Friday, March 17, deputy Martin McAlduff with the Wayne County Sheriff's Office was called to the 200 block of Nancy Drive around 5:30 p.m. for a disturbance.
When he got on the scene he saw 38-year-old Angela Michelle Nolan, of 108 Lake Ave., falling down into a ditch on the side of the road and lying on her back, according to a report on the incident.
The report said Nolan was "being very abusive with vulgar language." The deputy went over to Nolan and leaned down into the ditch to tell her to stop using vulgar language because kids were in the area.
When the deputy leaned down, Nolan tried to bite him, the report said.
Lt. Chris Peedin with the sheriff's office told McAlduff to arrest her, the report said.
According to the report, Nolan was arrested after a brief scuffle.
While McAlduff was putting her in the back of the patrol car, she tried to bite him yet again and then spat on the left side of his face and chest, the report said.
On the way to the jail, Nolan unfastened her seat belt and leaned forward to scream obscenities at the deputy, the report said.
McAlduff stopped the car, refastened Nolan's seat belt and then took her to the jail.
Both Ross and Nolan were charged in their respective incidents.