Tiffany Creech named Alliance's existing industry manager
By From staff reports
Published in News on October 12, 2015 1:46 PM

Tiffany Creech
Tiffany Creech has been named the existing industry manager for the Wayne County Development Alliance as of Oct. 1.
Ms. Creech steps into this new position following the retirement of Mike Haney who served as the existing industry specialist for 10 years.
Haney's last day was Wednesday, Sept. 30, and for the past month he has been working with Ms. Creech to ensure a smooth transition.
Ms. Creech has been employed with the WCDA since 2009 as operations officer assisting all staff with various programs and services.
Ms. Creech is no stranger to existing industries or the services and support provided to them through the Alliance, and has a strong understanding not only of the organizations structure but the community and industries within.
Born and raised in Wayne County, Ms. Creech has a commitment to the success of the industries and the growth of the community and a desire to be a part of both, Alliance officials said.
"I am very excited about this opportunity," Ms. Creech said. "It's not very often you get to just step right into well-run and accomplished program such as the existing business and industry program here at the Alliance. We are looking forward to incorporating some new initiatives into the program and carrying on with the great work Mike Haney started several years ago.
"I feel as though the relationships I've developed over the past six years with our industry officials will help as I transition into this new role. I am really looking forward to working with them and doing all I can to help facilitate their growth and expansion here in Wayne County. Our existing industries are so important to our community and to our economy and we want them to know the Alliance is here for them when they need us."
The WCDA "is fortunate" to have a member of our team who has the desire to grow and learn more about economic development and how it can play a part in the direction of the future, Crystal Gettys, WCDA president said.
"I feel that Tiffany has the desire, ability and personality to work with our existing industries," she said. "Her knowledge of the program and the relationships she has developed with our industries make her a natural fit for this position. I am excited to work with her in this capacity and build upon an already strong program.
"Mike will be missed among many and has done a tremendous job during his tenure with WCDA. It is no secret that workforce has been at the forefront of his vision and the success of the WORKS program is a great example of his dedication to this community and our industries. We want to make sure that his efforts are continued as we move forward."