Local 98-year-old celebrates her birthday by realizing her 'dream'
By Becky Barclay
Published in News on August 12, 2015 1:46 PM

Loudell Newton, 98, celebrated her birthday with a surprise cruise on a riverboat in Wilmington, given to her as a gift from the staff at Brookdale.
All her life -- 98 years to be exact -- Loudell Newton had a dream.
She wanted to take a cruise on a riverboat.
That dream came true recently when she boarded the Henrietta 3 in Wilmington for a trip down the Cape Fear River.
The cruise was a birthday present from the staff of Brookdale in Goldsboro, where Loudell has been a resident for the past three years.
"She expressed to our programs coordinator that she had always wanted to go on a riverboat cruise," said Brookdale director Shana McCrimmon. "And we really wanted to make that happen for her. At 98, she certainly deserved to be able to have what we would call a wish of a lifetime granted."
Once Loudell found out about the trip, she couldn't stop smiling.
"I had never been on a ship before," she said. "It was amazing. We had a meal on the ship, too. I didn't know I was moving unless I looked out and watched what was going by on the shore. I saw some really pretty scenery. I loved seeing all the things on the shore."
And she didn't get seasick at all.
"After the cruise, she said it was one of her favorite days -- ever," Ms. McCrimmon said. "She enjoyed the day and was full of smiles. To see the smile on her face was priceless, absolutely priceless -- to be able to make a difference in her life."
Loudell was born Feb. 15, 1917, in Lincolnton, Ga.
She has outlived three husbands -- Joe Smietanowski, her first, she married when she was just 24.
"He went off to war and was wounded," Loudell said. "He had only 2/100ths of one corner of one eye when he came back. The other eye was gone. But he adjusted to it well."
Loudell said a doctor who lived next door to the couple commented after her first husband died that he had seen him walk by his house for 20 years, but never knew he was blind until he died.
"My husband cut the hedge in front of our house and he still golfed and bowled," Loudell said.
Her last husband was Charles Newton, who died May 17, 2013, at Brookdale a little more than a year after the couple moved in. They had traveled around and finally made Goldsboro their home.
Loudell is now by herself; the rest of her family lives in New York.
Loudell doesn't attribute her long life to anything she's done special, but continues to live it to the fullest.
"She keeps busy with activities here," Ms. McCrimmon said. "She loves bingo. Anything that's going on, you can bet on her being present."
It's been a happy life for Loudell and is now complete with her riverboat cruise.
"To tell you the truth, I don't believe there is anything in my life that I would do differently," she said. "I have enjoyed my life, I really have. And I have no unfinished business."