74 employees ending school district careers
By From staff reports
Published in News on June 21, 2015 1:50 AM

Dr. Sandra McCullen, left, interim superintendent of Wayne County Public Schools, congratulates Gail Richards, retiring Spring Creek Elementary School principal during the recent retiree appreciation reception.
Seventy-four retiring employees were recognized by Wayne County Public Schools at the district's annual retiree appreciation reception, held recently at Walnut Creek Country Club.
All total, the departing staffers had a cumulative 1,628 years with the district and a total of 1,826 years spent in the profession.
Dr. Sandra McCullen, interim superintendent and herself graduating with 43 years in the profession at month's end, thanked the honorees for their years of dedicated service.
"Each of our retirees can leave knowing that they had a valuable role in helping our schools address student needs during their tenure," she said. "We wish them all the very best in their future endeavors."
In addition to Mrs. McCullen, her predecessor, Dr. Steven Taylor, superintendent of the school system for 15 years, was among the group that retired this year. He was with the district 30 of his 33-year in the profession.
One principal, Gail Richards, of Spring Creek Elementary School, also retired after 35 years in education.
The 2014-15 retirees and their years working in education included:
* Vicki Bannister, Eastern Wayne Elementary teacher, with 29 years in education
* Gail Barnes, Meadow Lane instructional assistant, 31 years
* Pamela Beaman, Grantham School teacher, 34 years
* Frances Best, Tommy's Road custodian, 26 years
* Donna Bostian, Northwest Elementary teacher, 36 years
* Beth Bouchard, Tommy's Road teacher, 19 years
* Vivian Bowen, Edgewood bus driver, eight years
* Joy Britt, Spring Creek Elementary bookkeeper/data manager, 28 years
* Terry Burden, transportation district supervisor, 32 years
* Carolyn Byers, Tommy's Road school counselor, 14 years
* Glenda Crocker, Grantham School teacher, 28 years
* Jenny Crumpler, Southern Wayne teacher, 29 years
* Connie Daniel, Spring Creek Elementary teacher, 21 years
* Gayle Davis, Edgewood teacher, 30 years
* Diane Davis, Exceptional Children Department program coordinator, 40 years
* Stella Garner, Wayne Middle/High Academy child nutrition manager, 24 years
* Phyllis Ginn, Charles B. Aycock instructional assistant, 13 years
* Vickie Glenn, WCPS administrative office curriculum and instruction secretary, 30 years
* Deborah Griffin, Rosewood Middle custodian/bus driver, 25 years
* Margaret Guthrie, exceptional children department speech language pathologist, 32 years
* Bernadette Hamilton, Dillard Middle teacher, 19 years
* James Hand, Rosewood Elementary custodian, five years
* Nancy Henderson, Meadow Lane teacher, 30 years
* Catherine Herring, Goldsboro High data manager, 27 years
* Eula Holden, Norwayne Middle, child nutrition, 21 years
* Kathryn Jacoby, Eastern Wayne Middle teacher, 28 years
* Tracy Jones, Rosewood Elementary teacher, 31 years
* Jacqueline Joseph, Edgewood teacher, 41 years
* Jesse Joyner, Southern Wayne High bus driver/child nutrition, nine years
* Debra Justus, Meadow Lane instructional assistant, 25 years
* Jennie Kilpatrick, Spring Creek High instructional assistant, 10 years
* Carrie Kornegay, Edgewood teacher, 11 years
* Horice Kornegay, Brogden Middle custodian, 13 years
* Elizabeth Lewis, Mount Olive Middle teacher, 31 years
* Gale Lewis, Spring Creek Elementary teacher, 37 years
* Mary Lewis, Spring Creek Elementary child nutrition, 10 years
* Andrea Malpass, Norwayne Middle teacher, 29 years
* John Martindale, Southern Wayne High, instructional assistant, six years
* Margaret Marx, Northeast Elementary child nutrition, 11 years
* Regina Mason, Charles B. Aycock instructional assistant, 22 years
* Deborah McCuller, Carver Heights Elementary instructional assistant, 20 years
* Helene McDowell, School Street Elementary instructional assistant, 42 years
* Brenda McNair, Rosewood Elementary instructional assistant, nine years
* Nancy Miller, Spring Creek Elementary instructional assistant, 17 years
* Gail Minchew, Grantham School teacher, 30 years
* Ruby Modlin, Northwest Elementary, instructional assistant, 10 years
* Judy Moody, Southern Wayne teacher, 26 years
* Mary Moore, Edgewood instructional assistant, 20 years
* Tamara Munoz, Greenwood Middle school counselor, 33 years
* Jean Podbesek, Norwayne Middle teacher, 14 years
* Hannah Rouse, Spring Creek Elementary instructional assistant, 14 years
* Carol Sanders, Edgewood instructional assistant, 31 years
* Katherine Sasser, Spring Creek High teacher, 37 years
* Martha Saylors, exceptional children dept. physical therapist, 18 years
* Jean Sills, Northeast Elementary instructional assistant, 27 years
* Barbara Simmons, WCPS administrative office receptionist, 21 years
* Carolyn Smith, Carver Elementary teacher, 32 years
* Karen Stevens, CBA assistant principal, 30 years
* Pamela Butts Stewart, Eastern Wayne High instructional assistant, 38 years
* Joseph Strouse, Northwest Elementary teacher, 30 years
* Dr. Lavern Tate-Smith, North Drive Elementary school counselor, 28 years
* Vickie Evans Tillman, Carver Elementary teacher, 35 years
* Shirley Toler, North Drive instructional assistant, five years
* Joy Vinson, Fremont STARS/Northwest Elementary teacher, 30 years
* Barbara Ward, child nutrition department director, 31 years
* Dr. Richard White, Wayne Early/Middle teacher, eight years
* Judith Williford, Norwayne Middle teacher, 28 years
* Melody Wilson, Greenwood Middle teacher, 27 years