June 17, 2015 archives

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Shooting unfolds outside restaurant

An argument in the parking lot of the Wayne Memorial Drive Waffle House early this morning resulted in shots being fired into a vehicle. No one was injured and one man is in custody, according to a Goldsboro Police...

Splash and burn

As a record heat wave continues to envelop Wayne County, some are flocking to cool water or holing up in their air-conditioned homes. But others, many of them children who have been indoors all school year, are embracing Mother...

County budget passes

Wayne County commissioners Tuesday unanimously adopted a new $177,854,151 budget, but not before attempting another round of penny-pinching that would have trimmed less than $20,000 from the spending plan. The new budget reduces the property tax rate from 66.65...

Wayne County Public Schools goes to four-day workweek schedule

Now that graduations are over and schools have been dismissed for the summer, Wayne County Public Schools reverts to its summer schedule -- a four-day workweek. The annual summer flex schedule began this week and continues through Aug. 14,...

Reading encouragement

"Pow" says Superman and Captain Underpants. "Kapow" say The Incredibles and Wonder Woman. "Krackbooom" says the Incredible Hulk. Visitors to the Wayne County Public Library will see posters like these throughout the children's section in preparation for the summer...

Fremont passes $3.8 million budget

FREMONT -- Fremont's Board of Aldermen approved the town's budget following a public hearing at Tuesday night's meeting, during which nobody stepped forward to comment. The town's budget has a total of more than $3.8 million in it, with...

Salvation Army captains reassigned

The Wayne County Salvation Army will have new leadership the end of this month, as Capts. Kenny and Julie Igleheart are being reassigned. Their last day is June 21. "So we get to do our Father's Day message that...

Foundation to host grant info session June 25

KENANSVILLE -- Online grant applications for the Duplin Foundation for Youth Advancement will be available June 26 through noon Aug. 11 on the North Carolina Community Foundation website. Grant recipients will be announced in September. The Duplin County Community...

Crime of the week

On May 20 ,the resident of 409 Lynn Ave. reported leaving their home secure on May 13 and upon returning on May 20 they found an open door and over $35,000 worth of property stolen, including weapons and pocket watches...