A former club becomes a sanctuary
By Matt Caulder
Published in News on July 8, 2014 1:46 PM

Gary Strozier looks at his wife, Alaine, while talking about moving into their church's new location on Monday. Gary, who retired from the Air Force, started Kadosh Life Ministries in a building at 1807 E. Ash St.

Church members have written Scripture on the floor. The words will eventually be painted over, but the messages will remain a part of the church.

Nate Alston uses a saw to cut boards while constructing walls inside the warehouse at the corner of Corporate Drive and Clingman Street that will house Kadosh Life Ministries.
New tenants are bringing a new spirit into a former club on Corporate Drive in Goldsboro once known for shootings, stabbings and even a murder.
Gary Strozier and his wife, Alaine, with the help of many volunteers, are building their church, Kadosh Life Ministries, on the former Party Central site.
The Stroziers did not go into the project unaware of the location's reputation. They know the building's past.
"One of our members' son was shot here," Strozier said.
Mrs. Strozier said the club had a reputation for illegal drugs as well.
Creating their new church home meant giving the old club a new purpose.
So the pastors and their congregation started with the word of God -- literally.
The couple, along with their congregation, prayed over the entire building writing Scripture on the floors and walls.
"We knew that it had a bad atmosphere before, but we believe that the word of God has power," she said. "By writing down the Scriptures, we were establishing what we wanted God to do here."
Getting to that point wasn't easy.
The Stroziers and volunteers had to clear out the remnants of the club to begin work.
"When we got in here, there were just dozens of bottles of alcohol," Mrs. Strozier said. "We were thinking, 'Wow, this really was a club.'"
The Stroziers began Kadosh Life Ministries in their home nearly two years ago with only six members. They co-pastor the church.
After the congregation ballooned to 150 members who were crammed into Sweeney's Martial Arts on Ash Street, it was time for a change.
"We were looking for a home and found out about this by word of mouth," Strozier said.
The Stroziers found out about the location at a karate tournament and from there the pieces just fell into place.
"Things have just been coming in," Strozier said. "Almost all of this is volunteer work. Some are donating time, labor or supplies. One of our members decided they wanted to buy us all of the chairs."
On a recent Sunday instead of holding a traditional service, the congregation had a work service for the church framing out walls for the sanctuary, nursery and other rooms.
"We have had so much help on this," Strozier said. "It's been amazing how everything has come together. 'Kadosh' is a Hebrew word. It means 'set apart for God.'"
Strozier believes that Kadosh Life Ministries will create a new beginning in its new home. The only markers of the location's former life will be the painted-over bullet holes in the walls.
The Stroziers hope to open up the church for operation by the end of July.