Rouse pleading not guilty in crash
By From staff reports
Published in News on March 12, 2014 1:46 PM

Ray Norman Rouse IV
Ray Norman Rouse IV, 35, of Raleigh, pleaded not guilty to two counts of second-degree murder, death by motor vehicle and driving while intoxicated in Wake County Court Monday.
Rouse is charged in the deaths of Ormond Jackson Bailey, 83, and Gynell Batton Bailey, 79.
Rouse collided with the Baileys' vehicle head on when he drove his vehicle the wrong way down a one-way street in Raleigh. His blood alcohol level measured 0.17.
The accident happened on Wade Avenue near the Glenwood Avenue exit just after 1 p.m. March 17, 2013. Rouse was leaving a lunch he had attended with friends and the Baileys were headed home from church.
The couple succumbed to injuries after being transported to the hospital.
Rouse suffered multiple bone breaks and head injuries and remains in a wheelchair. He is confined in the Wake County Detention Center under a $2 million secured bond.
Trial is set for Sept. 15.