Majesty loves getting letters
By Phyllis Moore
Published in News on March 12, 2014 1:46 PM

Majesty Rose
The journey for Majesty Rose to make Top 10 on "American Idol" continues tonight, but there are two things Goldsboro can send its hometown contestant besides votes -- prayers and mail.
"You can tell Goldsboro to pray for me and pray encouragement for me and courage and confidence," she said Tuesday afternoon.
Majesty Rose said she has appreciated the support from her community -- she has seen posts on Facebook and Twitter. But there is still nothing like receiving tangible mail, she said.
Her address while she is on the show is Majesty Rose York, American Idol, 7800 Beverly Blvd., Suite 251, Los Angeles, Calif. 90036.
Last week it seemed all the contestants took a hit from the judges, who were hypercritical of performances. Even Majesty Rose, who has found favor with them throughout the process, received some critiques for her rendition of "Fix You" by Coldplay, starting out slowly and switching it up to a more upbeat tempo.
She admitted it's "really hard" and there is a lot of pressure associated with the singing competition, especially on results day. Despite that, she said she does take the judges' comments seriously.
"I take it back and journal about it and see what they're talking about," she said. "But the biggest part is when I think about things -- did I do my best and if it was yes, I'm fine."
At the same time, she said the experience so far has produced other benefits beyond the chance to grow as an artist and performer.
"I'm really learning a lot about myself," she said. "That's the stressful part. This is a competition. It's about music. But for me, it's behind the music. It's about me and who I am becoming. So it's really important to get my alone time and figure out who is Majesty."
While the show keeps her quite busy, there is actually some downtime, allowing her to catch her breath and to focus on things other than "American Idol."
"I'm definitely enjoying the weather here, and there's a lot of flowers," she said. "We have been having weekends off, and that's been really good."
Her best friend from home, Carla Chapel, is also out in California for the duration of the time Majesty is on the show.
"I see her a lot. Mainly on the weekends because we have so much free time," Majesty said.
Tonight's show theme will be "movie night," featuring the remaining 11 contestants choosing a song from a soundtrack of their choice.
Majesty Rose couldn't reveal her song choice in advance of the show, but explained the thought that went into choosing it.
"I have actually wanted to do this song before," she said. "I saved it for this week. I'm really excited about it.
"I can say that my kids (she taught preschool at the YMCA) will be excited about it."
There is no doubt she is enjoying the opportunity to advance in the competition, and the platform she has on the large stage. But that doesn't mean there aren't still a few jitters here and there.
"It's like I'm a little nervous because of last week," she said, thinking a moment.
She said when she is able to push aside any performance anxiety, she is able to relax and just enjoy her moment in the spotlight.
"That's when I do my best, when I don't think. If I can remember what I'm singing about -- because these words really do apply to my life -- and focus in on my words," she said.
The importance of voting to keep her in the competition remains critical, and tonight is the night to make that happen.
Voting begins when the show does, with several options online and via phone or text.
The phone number to cast votes for her is 855-4 IDOL 07 or 1-855-443-6507. Online, the Supervote option can be used on
Interested in attending a viewing party? Two are going on in the community, each night of the broadcasts.
Tonight at Wayne Community College, a pep rally will be held from 7:30-8, with the show airing on the large screen in Moffatt Auditorium from 8-10 p.m.
The results show airs on Thursday night from 9-10 p.m., when one person will be eliminated and the Top 10 will be revealed.
The viewing party that evening will be at the Family YMCA, starting at 8:30 p.m.