Recycling program starts at local club
By Steve Herring
Published in News on November 29, 2012 1:46 PM

Kayla Hill holds a balloon with her fellow Boys & Girls Club members during the kickoff of the "Go Green" program at the club. The program, which educates the children at the club about recycling, has been started by a grant from the Goldsboro Continental Society Inc.
"Go Green" is the theme of a new recycling program at the Boys and Girls Club on Royall Avenue being sponsored by the Goldsboro chapter of the Continental Societies Inc.
The Wednesday afternoon launch of the program got under way with a cheer, ribbon cutting and the release of green helium-filled balloons. The youths then went inside to learn about composting.
"This is our first program of Go Green," said Patricia Stokes, chapter president. "It is a recycling program that we hope will have a long life here at the Boys and Girls Club. We do have a company that is going to do the pickup for us. During the time that this program is in operation we will have activities once a month educating them (children) as to why we are doing this.
"We will talk about don't toss your trash, recycle it. We have posters. We have badges and vests that they will be assigned. Each day that they arrive, the assigned students will ensure that the paper, bottles and trash, cardboard and everything is placed in the correct container."
The program is being funded through a $1,000 grant from the Mid-Atlantic Region of the Continental Societies Inc.
"The region received a large grant from UPS, and then all of the chapters in the region applied for grants to do the Go Green project," Mrs. Stokes said. "It was started by the Mid-Atlantic Region."
Each chapter is doing different projects under the Go Green umbrella, she said.
"We had to find a facility where we could administer a Go Green project," she said. "We shopped around and found out that the Boys and Girls Club did not have a recycling program. They opened their arms and we agreed that we would partner with them."
The Wayne Opportunity Center will pick up the recyclable materials on a regular basis.
"Also, the children, in addition to being educated about going green and what we are doing for our environment, we will have refreshments after school for them," Mrs. Stokes said. "In the spring, we will do a recognition banquet. We are just so excited about it."