August 20, 2012 archives

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Wayne school open houses scheduled for this week

Three little words are in the air, signaling the end of the summer -- back to school. While two public schools are already in session, and most private schools have resumed as well, the bulk of Wayne County Public...

Wayne County to consider Internet cafe rules Tuesday

How, or if, Wayne County will regulate Internet or sweepstakes cafes could be decided when Wayne County commissioners meet Tuesday morning. A proposed zoning ordinance that would force the cafes to close by 11 p.m. and be no closer than...

Sickle cell drive Saturday at mall

September has been designated National Sickle Cell Awareness Month, and the Goldsboro Epicurean Civic Club will hold its annual Sickle Cell Drive on Saturday at Berkeley Mall to raise money for research to help find a cure for the...

Fremont board meets Tuesday

FREMONT -- An Internet cafe ordinance amendment will top the agenda for the meeting of the Fremont Board of Aldermen Tuesday night. The town has proposed to reduce the setback requirement between Internet cafes from 500 feet. The city...

'Elvis' will open United Way campaign

Elvis will be back in the building Friday for United Way of Wayne County's kickoff event. Stephen Freeman, a professional Elvis impersonator, and his Echoes of a Legend show band, will provide a tribute to the king of rock...

Public record

Booze It and Lose It Law enforcement from Goldsboro, Fremont and Pikeville police departments, the Wayne County Sheriff's Office, and the N.C. Department of Probation and Parole conducted joint Booze It and Lose It checking stations at the intersection of...