Public record
By From staff reports
Published in News on December 30, 2011 1:46 PM
B&Es and larcenies
*Pamela Barrett reported a break-in at her home in the 100 block of Corney Street that occurred Wednesday. The suspect(s) threw a concrete block through the window of a rear door to gain access into the home. The stolen items included three video game stations, a TV and DVD player. The total value of the stolen property was more than $1,500.
*Stephanie Thomas reported the theft of a laptop, TV, video game system and other items from her home in the 900 block of Fairview Circle from her home while she was on vacation from Nov. 23 to Wednesday. The suspect(s) used a tool to pry open a bathroom window. The listed value of the stolen property was more than $1,000.
*Tyler Mahle reported a break-in at his home in the 300 block of South Oleander Avenue that occurred Wednesday. During the incident, a $300 12-gauge Winchester shotgun, $199 XBox 360, and a $300 laptop were stolen.