Volunteer wanted for thefts at school
By Laura Collins
Published in News on September 17, 2010 1:46 PM

Glenwood Earl Burden Jr.
A former Wayne County school volunteer is wanted on felony warrants, according to a report from the Wayne County Sheriff's Office.
Glen-wood Earl Burden Jr., 38, is wanted for felony breaking and entering, larceny after breaking and entering and possession of stolen goods.
According to the Wayne County Sheriff's Office, the break-in occurred at Brogden Middle School during the summer. Sheriff's Office Capt. Tom Effler said the break-ins were reported by the school district on Aug. 23, with the last known secure date of the school listed as June 29.
Effler said 15 computers, 11 cameras, two data projectors and one video player, worth about $27,554 total, were taken during the summer. One of the cameras has been recovered at a local pawn shop, Effler said.
Burden was not employed by the school system but had been a volunteer at the middle school, serving as parent facilitator, said Ken Derksen, public information officer for Wayne County Public Schools.
Derksen said he was uncertain when the break-in took place, but said it was at a time when school personnel should not have been there.
Burden had also been youth director for Gospel Perspective Ministries and in 2005 had developed the Good News Gang, a community afterschool program for youths, which was housed at Westhaven Community Center.
His father, Glenwood Burden Sr. was the first black student to attend Goldsboro High School when the schools integrated in 1961. He died in April 2009.
Burden Jr. was last seen driving a green 1997 Jaguar, with license plate YWL4458. If located, call the Sheriff's Office at 919-731-1401 or Crime Stoppers at 919-735-2255. His last known address is 1001 N. Center St.