Dudley 17-year-old tries to flee to avoid statutory rape charge
By Nick Hiltunen
Published in News on March 19, 2010 1:46 PM

Tracey Allen Deaver
A Dudley 17-year-old faces three felony counts for an alleged statutory rape with a 13-year-old girl, the Wayne County Sheriff's Office reported.
Tracey Allen Deaver, 17, of Deaver Lane, is accused of the offenses, which allegedly took place on Jan. 29, Detective Sgt. Rick Farfour said.
Deaver is under a $200,000 bond, set unusually high because authorities learned that the 17-year-old allegedly had plans to flee.
A person familiar with the case said that Deaver had already purchased himself a bus ticket to Atlanta after learning that arrest warrants had been filed against him.
The statutory rape counts are Class C felonies, which each carry between about 3 1/2 to as much 17 1/2 years in potential prison sentencing, depending on a defendant's prior record.
Statutory rape in this case is defined as a person who is more than four but less than six years older than the alleged victim.
Detectives involved with the case said they are not sure how Deaver came into contact with the 13-year-old girl.
Farfour said that authorities moved swiftly after learning of Deaver's plans to flee to Atlanta to avoid prosecution.
"We got information that he was fixing to flee before he was arrested," Farfour said.
Instead, Deaver was arrested without incident at his home on Wednesday this week.