05/10/09 — Duplin's Reginal Kenan appointed to state Board of Education

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Duplin's Reginal Kenan appointed to state Board of Education

By Bonnie Edwards
Published in News on May 10, 2009 2:00 AM

Gov. Beverly Perdue has appointed Duplin Board of Education member Reginald Kenan of Rose Hill to the state Board of Education. His nomination will now go before the state General Assembly for final approval.

Kenan said Friday that when he was asked the first of the week if he would be willing to serve, he wanted to think about it.

"I wanted to make sure I would have time to contribute to it," said Kenan, who is a practicing attorney and has been a member of the Duplin school board for more than 20 years. "There is a lot involved with education, and things are always changing, on the state, local and national levels."

The state school board, like the local school board, faces a lot of challenges, Kenan said.

"We're in a tough time right now, and there are issues everywhere you turn. The economy is really messed up," he said.

Kenan has seen a lot of changes in public schools since he came on board in 1987. And there are still things to overcome now. But he said he feels up to the challenge. And he said he believes serving on both boards will be beneficial to both the local board and the state board.

"You have two different perspectives with the local board and the state board," he said. "I'm excited to enter a new chapter. I'd like that to be my legacy -- that I always like to help somebody."